

We streamline
this process.

Producers, get production rolling faster than ever before.,
Investors, explore one of the most compelling alternative asset classes.

*additional information down below



CINELAUNCH is a platform
that's reimagining the process of
packaging a motion picture.

Our long-term goal is to create an all-encompassing
film finance super app to be a one-stop
solution for producers, simplifying the process
for both the production-side, as well
as the finance side across the global film industry.

CINELAUNCH is a fintech platform where motion picture
finance structures can be built out through all the various
financing means (equity, debt, tax credits, grants, etc.)
We have streamlined software solutions to building out
film finance packages, structuring for equity-based capital raises and even debt-based media lending / credit financing.

Our long-term goal is to create an all-encompassing film finance super app to be a one-stop solution for producers,
simplifying the process for both the production-side,
as well as the investor side across the global film industry.




CINELAUNCH changes the game for film finance.

Through smart software, modern automation, and
a whole lot of intricate, industry-specific ideation:
we're streamlining the process of financing films.

We've built..

⮕ A software toolkit to build out a
film's financial structure effectively.

⮕ A tax incentive exploration tool to
quickly calculate and compare options.

⮕ A motion picture packaging super-app to
smoothly build out all the necessary components
to your film finance package.

⮕ An investment dashboard, streamlining the
ability to invest into the undiscovered
alternative asset class of motion pictures.

⮕ A portal to leverage collateral and open
a line of senior-secured credit financing.

⮕ Countless tools & resources to improve
the pre-production and financing
process, every step of the way.

⮕ So much more in the realm of film packaging!

is a premium platform that's changing
the game for producers & financiers alike.


Build Your Film Package Right

CINELAUNCH allows producers to efficiently build the structure of their motion picture finance package, utilizing any and all means: Equity, Debt, Tax Credits, Grants, Etc.


The Producers Toolkit

Beyond the innovative financing structure, the CINELAUNCH platform has built a Producer's Dream App filled with essential tools to streamline the financing and pre-production process. This includes a smart budget tool, an incentive optimizer, a package-builder, talent-linking function, investor outreach portal, paperwork database, deal memo generator and more!


Escrow Solutions

One of the most ground-breaking features we've added is the ability to quickly set-up and manage film escrow transactions, allowing financiers to put capital in, dependent on whatever terms you set. This adds immense protection for financiers / investors, and allows much more access when it comes to approaching major talent.


Manage Your Budget, Contracts & Everything Else

In Cinelaunch, we have a streamlined process to manage budget, contacts, letters of intent, and all other necessary paperwork. All in one place, with options to quickly add access across the board.


Investable Motion Pictures

CINELAUNCH allows productions to create ownership "slices" of approved film projects through Equity Offerings on our platform. This ownership equates to future "returns" (quarterly dividends) based on film-performance revenue in the waterfall of the film.